Sunday 24 May 2009

monolog bila lapor...

bila lapar hati raser tak senang ..
bila lapar malas-malas jadi rajin..
bila lapar tengok iklan kat tv pun air liur meleleh..
bila lapar sink kat dapur basah sokmo..
bila lapar raser nak marah satu rumah...
bila lapar pergi shopping penuh trolley..
bila lapar tengok lembu kat depan umah nampak beefstik..
bila lapat buat kijer pun tak tekun..
bila lapar nak borak borak pun malas..
bila lapar teringat pulak sisa makanan tak abih semalam..
bila lapar org kata ingat tuhan kiter ni nak poser kena tabah.....

hehehe monolog giler 2 sorang sorang

Saturday 23 May 2009


reading the tittle i guarantied the reader this is going to be a girly blog entry..NOT ...i was never that of a girly girl nor was i a tomboy...i am just me ...i like things moderately hence i'm writing this blog entry ...[sorry if i'm not making sense-erk quite well known for that amongst people who knows me well]

i love motherhood because it's only natural for a woman to be a mother and loves her offspring to bits not like it maybe a bit odd or it's a sign of some psychological thingy going on there..

i love motherhood because i love seeing my lil one grow up and achieve...not that i'm expecting too much out of him but it's only natural to have expectations...the first few perfect steps, the first few words [albeit 'dada' comes out first rather than 'mama'], the first few words he can read and the first few A s in his report card.....

i love motherhood because i have the right to shout and pretended to be firm when i was told by my son's teacher he helped another little boy in his class to write a letter to girl saying 'you are smelly'.....

i love motherhood because i have the excuse of having a two storey [too much information ain't it?!] condominium for a tummy as i've given birth and it's only natural to accessorized yourself with a bit of fat....

i love motherhood because i get to be the one my 'little man' looks up to...he adores me and i'm the prettiest most beautiful human being in the world to him ...[this does not occur after i drilled the words to him since he was 3 months old- i can assure you that!]

i love motherhood because whatever i said to my lil 'jumply'[i called him jumply as he can't stop climbing and jumping] is like the word of God ...he listens and take it it ...

i love motherhood as ........


I've mothered another lil soul as the servant of Allah...AMIN may Allah bless my lil one ...